Sunday, August 9, 2009

Pulling up to stand

At age 3 and four months Nathan puled to stand by himself at the couch. Quite an achievement. He did it a few more times that day and the next day and hasn't done it again. We know he can. Not sure if he is not confident or the floor is too slippery for him. Will have to be more intentional about getting him to do it rather than seeing if he'll do it himself. He will do it if a small amount of pressure is placed on top of his hands to help him feel secure.

Looking forward to getting a walker for him soon. I'm sure it will annoy me in the house but will be good to take him out with it to wide open spaces or places where there are things that interest him and give it a go.

Learning to Eat. Week Three

More Playing Ta games during the week. Still not coming naturally and really need to work to get a response. Lots of other babble and vocalisation though.

We bought a blow up lion during the past fortnight and this is fun for a wrestle and something for him to assert himself with.

This week at the speechy it was suggested to go back to fluids only on a spoon. No puree. Stock or other flavoursome liquid only. He seems to like chicken broth and beef stock so that is good. The other suggestion was Wizz Fizz and red skins. The reason for this and the stock is to increase saliva and to get the swallowing action hapening intentionally. He sounds like he is swallowing but he is not pursing his lips closed. He is sticking his tongue out. need to imitate some more lip smacking action. He doesn't seem to mind wizz fizz if we can get it in his mouth. Haven't tried red skins yet.

Teeth cleaning was the other thing we looked at. He seemed to be pretty calm and allow me to stick my finger in his mouth and run it over his teeth. I did this with and without toothpaste. I held him sitting up, holding one arm and having him hold an interesting toy in the other hand, while the musical bunny he was holding sang and buzzed. Still need to work on routine for this and slowly introduce teh toothbrush as he becomes comfortable with sitting and having my finger in his mouth. Ususally teeth cleaning is a terrifying battle for both of us. He has the look of fear in his eyes, we were having to restrain him and I am sure he thought we were going to suction him or put an NG tube in. He would wriggle so much that it must have hurt or been very unpleasant having the brush in his mouth so hastily. He is enjoying holding onto an electric toothbrush and occasionally he'll pop it into his mouth for a bit but he is also using it as a hairbrush.

Learning to Eat. Week One

Seeing a new speechy. Thought I would write down what we are doing and document how we are going. This is for two purposes. One to help me remember what I am menat to be doing and two to see if we are making progress.

Week One.
Getting to know you. Time was spent playing witht he speechy assessing where nathan is at.
She was pleasantly surprised at him putting a spoon in his mouth by himself and taking some small tastes of puree. This was more than was anticipated due to new surroundings and a new person.

Getting to know the big bad wolf. Nathan didn't like the big bad singing wolf and was quick to learn to tell it to go away. He began to assert himself and show that he was in control and that he felt powerful in this situation. A positive in terms of play and increasing self confidence. In terms of his eating, this has been out of his control for so long that by refusing he is having some control over the situation. He has since been refusing nearly every feed by trying to whack the tube out of the way and getting upset at each feed. He's obviously not happy about having the food but not 100% sure why as he is showing hunger signs when doing this. Guess he thinks it makes him uncomfortable. He has been ill with croup and so there would be greater respiratory pressure. Maybe he is uncomfortable or the increase in retching following feeds (about 20 min after) is upsetting him. May need to try water bolus feeds again? Not sure on how much water he can have now with increase in formula volume.

Learning Ta. We have had some success with saying Ta previously but I hadn't heard him use it for a long time. By refusing to give him what was wanted until a response was made he soon began using it again.