Sunday, August 24, 2008


After such a good start with the hearing aide we are now struggling to keep it on. He is loving to pull it off and thow it wherever he can as far as he can. I have heard stories of kids with DS throwing their hearing aides out of bus windows. At least Nathan is not riding on a bus by himself and he can't get down the car window!!

Hopefully this stage won't last too long or his ears will improve.

let's get moving

Nathan is now trying to walk with support.
He took his first self initiated steps last weekend in a cafe at Barwon Heads.
He lifts his little legs up like a Taiwanese soilder. Can't think of a better way to describe it right now. It is very cute and I am so excited taht he is making connections with moving his legs. He still needs loads of help with actually staying up and shifting his weight from one side to the other but we don't need to give him as much prompting anymore. Very exciting.

He is also making progress towards crawling. He can stay on his hands and knees for a bit and moves his hand forward and his legs. Still such a long way to go to build up strength stamina and get it all together but huge steps from where he has been.

No progress on the bottom shuffle. Still 360 circles!!!

first words 'bye bye'

Nathan said his first words the other day.

He waved and said 'bye bye' to the carer.

Not Mummy or Daddy

I still had a tear in my eye and was very proud of my little man.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

Hearing Aides

Nathan got his first bone conducting hearing aide on monday. He has been so good wearing it all the time, apart from when he is sleeping.

He seems to be more vocal and is loving making noise by banging anything he can get his hands on.

Latest loves and things that bring a smile to my face: Pulling tissues from boxes, Pulling Nappy wipes from boxes, Building up speed doing the 360 degree bottom spin, Reaching out for cuddles with the grandparents

New signs: Baby, No deal!!, Working on pointing fingers