Sunday, August 9, 2009

Pulling up to stand

At age 3 and four months Nathan puled to stand by himself at the couch. Quite an achievement. He did it a few more times that day and the next day and hasn't done it again. We know he can. Not sure if he is not confident or the floor is too slippery for him. Will have to be more intentional about getting him to do it rather than seeing if he'll do it himself. He will do it if a small amount of pressure is placed on top of his hands to help him feel secure.

Looking forward to getting a walker for him soon. I'm sure it will annoy me in the house but will be good to take him out with it to wide open spaces or places where there are things that interest him and give it a go.

1 comment:

A said...

You'll be chasing us around before we know it....